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Sliding Tiger wizard. To customize inline skates

Sliding Tiger Wizard

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Powerslide Core Performance Boot for kids

299.99 €
263.99 €
3 days

The Powerslide Core Performance boot for kids is a stylish, race-quality inline speed skate boot for an accessible price.

Engineered with technologies from Powerslide's race-proven 3X series of inline speed skates, the Core Performance gives young skaters a stylish boot with all the features they need to develop confidence and learn the foundational speed skate skills necessary to become a champion.

The Powerslide Core Performance boot for kids is inspired entirely by the Powerslide Core Performance Boot for adults and is in fact almost identical, with the difference that this inline skate for kids has a 165 mm mounting (instead of a 195 mm mounting), because a 195 mm mounting would not fit the smaller sizes.

The Powerslide Core Performance boot for kids exists in the colours teal and red.

Product specifications

take one size larger than for a shoe
110 °C
Carbon, glass-fiber and basalt
laces; 45° micro-buckle
No innersole
boot-only other, race
340 g
Tool - T25 Torx