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Rollerparades! Here are some of the most asked questions new people have


Rollerparades are amazing events where skaters come together and ride an organised tour guided by staff and police to block other traffic from the roads while the skaters get through. It is one of the most looked forward events that you can participate in, most of the time for free.

Are rollerparades competitive?

Unlike open marathons (which a lot of people ride just for fun, but also have a competitive aspect), rollerparades are not competitive in nature. Of course, you can always find other goofballs and add a competitive aspect to it if you really want to, but that (for me at least) is part of the bonding experience that I like about it. Sometimes you find people who will challenge you to the limit and other times you’re just riding, talking and laughing with people.

Where can I find these rollerparades?

Most rollerparades announce themselves on facebook and instagram as well as through the web, for example: in belgium all events can be found as “rollerbikeparade {insert year}” on google and on facebook as “{insert sponsor} rollerbikeparade”. The 2023 events for example can be found as “hey telecom rollerbikeparade” on facebook and “rollerparade 2023” or “rollerbikeparade” as search terms.

Good to know before participating

Before you go ahead and find the next rollerparade and plan on going there, here are a few quick tips:

    Make sure to take water with you.
    No joke. You’re going to ride 25-30km. Take some damn water with you.

    Take a red and a white light with you that you can attach to your gear.
    Some rollerparades require you to have a white and red light with you for when it’s dark. This does depend on the location the rollerparade is though. For example: Leuven asks you to have your lights at the ready and use them, whereas Brussels couldn’t care less.

    Make sure you read the event info. No joke, some rollerparades will change their usual rules because of recent events. Some ask you to wear a helmet, while others keep safety gear as optional. Leuven asks us this year to wear a helmet in reaction to a recent unfortunate event.

    Last but not least: CHECK YOUR DAMN GEAR BEFORE YOU GO.
    No excuses, make sure your skates are in good condition. Check your wheels, check if your axles are still tight, check if your frame is still secure… Check it all.
    You don’t want to leave the event prematurely due to a technical problem and possible injury. Don’t underestimate the stress you put on those few bolts that hold everything together every time you go out for a ride.

And with this, I hope you enjoy your rollerparades :)
Please keep injuries to a minimum and have fun out there.

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